What other type of contract can a student conclude?

3 min read

When you sign an ordinary employment contract, you pay social contributions which are deducted directly from his salary (13.07% of gross salary) by the employer and paid to the ONSS (National Social Security Office). The employer also, when he hires a worker, must pay employers’ social security contributions. If you work under a student employment contract, you benefit from a quota of 600 hours of work per year during which you and your employer pay reduced social security contributions.

To find out more, you can read our article entitled “ When a student works, when is the contract submitted to the ONSS?  »

Association work

Associative work is a work scheme allowing non-profit associations and various public bodies to hire workers for temporary activities on advantageous financial terms. Indeed, “associative work” is exempt from social security contributions and subject to an advantageous tax regime.

The associative work system targets both the socio-cultural sector and the sports sector. If you want to know more about the types of employers and the activities that can be carried out within the framework of associative work, you can consult the travailassociatif.be website .

If you are a student, you can work for a maximum of 190 hours per year under this type of contract. These hours will not be deducted from your quota of 600 hours of benefits for which, as a student, you pay less social security contributions.

You can therefore accumulate 600 student hours and 190 hours of associative work.

The system of small allowances for artistic services

The Small Indemnities Regime (RPI) is a regime that allows you to perform an artistic service against payment of an indemnity. It’s not really a salary, but rather a reimbursement. There is no declaration to social security, payment of social contributions and tax provided that maximum income ceilings are respected. For more information on the conditions and formalities to be completed in order to be able to work in this context, you can read the article “  The Small Indemnities Scheme or RPI” .

Independent work

Working as a freelancer means  working on your own account , without being under the authority of an employer and without being bound by the bonds of an employment contract or civil servant status.

If you decide to create your own job, develop your project or start your own business, you will have to become self-employed.

Students can benefit from independent student status. To find out more, you can read our article entitled “ Can a student work under independent status?  “.

The sharing economy

Collaborative economy refers to services or benefits that are provided by one person to another, linked by an approved collaborative economy platform. This is, for example, the work you do via Uber Eats, Deliveroo, Listminut, My Sherpa, etc. The list of approved platforms is available on the SPF Finances website .

For this type of work, you don’t have an employer and you don’t sign an employment contract, you work independently. Normally, when you have a self-employed professional activity, you must declare your self-employed activity and have a real “self-employed status” which involves a series of administrative, accounting and financial constraints, such as the payment of social security contributions.

If you work via a collaborative economy platform and you earn a maximum of €6,540 gross per year, you are not subject to the status of self-employed worker and do not pay social security contributions.

On the other hand, if you exceed this amount, you must have self-employed status .

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